Paid to Click. How awesome it sounds!!!! If you are reading this then you must be familiar with this term. Paid to Click is one of the leading searches in the online world. Simply what you need to do is sign up, log in, view ads and get paid. Isn't it awesome? Yeah, at least it sounds awesome. Wait a minute and please complete reading. This is specifically for developing and underdeveloped countries like Nepal and India. Because, as awesome as it may sound, it is not so. Why? For developed countries like the U.S., Canada they have master cards or at least a bank account and mostly payment is done in dollars, so its easy for them to withdraw money. But in some countries like Nepal MasterCard or a visa card is a dream for common people. Although some offer wore transfer, the charge is too high. Actual Earning : Actual earned amount as compared to real jobs is also very very low. You cannot pay for your bills also. Opportunities for us: We, the people of developing count...