The mistake that Apple made after Steve Jobs.

On the surface of it, Apple hasn’t changed strategy since the death of Jobs. The problem that Apple always had is that it produces end-to-end solutions, just like Palm, BlackBerry, and Nokia. Building a closed end-to-end solution is a fundamentally weaker business model than building OSs for 3rd party manufacturers like Windows or Android do. Take the iPhone. It’s not Apple vs Google. It’s Apple vs Google COMBINED WITH Samsung, HTC, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei and many many more. Who’s going to win? And why does it matter? Apple’s making more profit from smartphones than all of them combined, right? Well, it matters if you look a little beyond your nose. I’ll give you one example… …in a few years time, when Android’s app revenues are 5x that of Apple’s and iPhones makes up only 5% of the smartphone market, you think companies will focus on the App Store version of their app or the Play Store? On which platform will they release their app first? Are ...