The struggle of a blogger.

What is a blogger?

 Blogger is someone who write articles with commercial as well as personal intention. Do you know how many bloggers are there in the world? The answer is no one can even guess how many there are and how many are planning to start. Blogger, here I refer a person or a writer who actually writes.

Who becomes a blogger?

 This is something I had been trying to know since long. What I actually got is that, young peoole who have a high desire of earning online get involved in it. The matured ones are there because they had started something and that went preety well for them. Maybe earning a little bit of extra income was enough for them. I came to know that some of them even make about 2 million dollars per year. Sounds like a great money isn't it? Yes it a lot of money to be frank but have you ever considered how much that person have invested for it? We generally don't care the investment and effort to make that much much of money. We are just addicted to his so called earning. This is how most of us start. My motive was that too when I started but the bitter truth was a way far than what I had expected.

How does it feel to be blogger?

Honestly, at first when you just start it feels awesome. Very awesome in fact. As of the release of this post, it's been almost 3 weeks since I started. As of today, I have about 1300 pageviews, 20-25 posts and absulutely 0 'ZERO' subscribers. Do you know how much time it takes to write those? If you have ever started writing and conpleted it, you have a good idea what I am talking about. For those, who haven't been on this field before, it's hard. In fact, very hard.

Let me start from the beginning, when someone starts blogging, their intention may not just be earning, it may just be a passion. For those, they are satisfied if they get some views . For those starting with business motive, they have writers writing for them who gets paid a handsome money for that job.
For those who just wanna make a little earning writing blogs, it's hard from them. I started with the same motive but soon realized that it's not going to work for a long time. When you first post something and no one sees that, how does it feel? Preety bad. Whom you are going to request to see these? Your close ones. First few posts are really bad aa no one is a born professional writer. They laugh and make fun of us. By this time, you are already broken and when someone says you can do better. It aids a hope to your work. We are getting hate and a little love from a few. When someone starts, it's honestly a bad idea for adverriaing on biggest platforms. When you are not able to convince your family and friends, how you are going to convince others? That's something to be considered at the very beginning . Most of the beginner quit due to this reason, no matter how good they are. Due to the hate from their own loved ones. You see, only a few people subscribe to blogs because they have tried this or they have a little interest on your content. People are tired of getting e-mail everytime when we post something. On the other hand, look at facebook, twitter and YouTube, people don't heaitate to like a page or subscribe to a channel, no maater mow bad their concont is. Why don't we feel that annoying too? It's not because they are interesting but because of some giveaway, which you might win. Isn't that greed? After all, it's not sure to win. But, most of the subscribers these platforms get is because of this. Doesn't it discourage those who work hard for the content? We should be aware not to  cut off their hope before they have a good base. We can give them a good starting,

Now let's talk about original content. Really? original content? I mean, who the hell has original content right from the beginning?  Just google something, you find a ton of websites with same content or atleast similar. On the other side, there is Wikipedia which provides knowleege about almost anything. Companies statiatics are shared by them on their own websites. What remains so as to call original content? Probably poems, stories and reaction to something. The whole blogging community runs only on these things. No matter what, you have to some these things or copy contents. No options at all. This is a harse truth we ahould face and we are facing.

I don't force anyone to subscribe but if you really do like please do. It is a hope rather than just a number. You can change someone's life. Thank you for being to the end.


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