Crypto Currency- the future is here.

You might be familiar with this term. Some of you might have it. What crypoto currency actually is?
It is just a number. Yes, it is but the value doesn't seem to stop rising.Is it really the future? For those who is concerned about annonimity and privacy, yes it is. But what about the people who are just workers, who just doesn't have knowledge about how it works?

Look at the world, investing on a crypto is just a gamble. The people who don't afford lose any money they have are surely out of reach. We are bound by the fact that there is no authority to have control over it. I mean, if we somehow or mistakenly lose any of it, we are not getting it back at any cost, legally. Due to this, it just has become the play of the only handful of rich people.

Due to the fact that it's value dramatically changes in an instance of time, makes people nervous about using it for another purpose. Who knows, you just bought a car with 30 coins and a day after you realize you could have just got it for 20 still with the value remaining of your original investment.

This is a new era but due to the fact that its price dramatically changes overnight, you can't convince yourself to do anything with it. Your money stays ideal, no matter how much it's worth now and then.
Can we call it the future where you are just sitting and watching the screen on how much you have?

What if there was a proper control over it? I mean look at the dollar bills, their value doesn't change overnight dramatically and there is control over our loss of some misfortunes. I am not saying there should be a guy on the chair monitoring about everything what we do with our money but it is worth mentioning that , if we wanna make it the future, we must have an authority controlling over the price leaving the annonimity and privacy where it is. It's upto us what we really wanna do. This idea sounds creepy, but it's at least worth giving a try. Fact is we can't trust an algorithm just because it's priceless . Our personal interest and usability should be taken care of. In that way, this won't be a gamble anymore and everyone would really like to invest on it.


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