The female superhero trend!!!

Female superheroes!!! There are many female superheroes in comics but the solo movies were not done. Well, looks like female superheroes are making their way in the MCU and DC Comics.

It all started with the release of Wonder Woman which was a blockbuster for DC and really set a trend. Although we had many female actors playing role in superhero movies, they weren't given a leading role. We had Black Widow, but the thing that lacked was a solo movie. After a huge success of Wonder Woman, female superheroes and their solo movies are definately given priority. Although Marvel hasn't released such type of movie, we may be looking forward to Black Widow solo movie in the near future. Black Panther wouldn't have been so successful without the female characters.So, are we gonna get a collab movie of only female suoerheroes like the Avengers? No, definately not very soon because Marvel and DC hasn't introduced most of the female characters from their comics yet. With Captain Marvel being filmed in recent times, there might be  a chance in near future probably after a period of 5 years.

What do you think?


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