Things we will be using in 2020.

Hello guys, you might wonder what the future looks like. Don't worry, here are some technological advancements that already exists and we shall be using in near future.

Universal Translator:

The universal translator is a concept, which many know as a science fiction innovation in the Star Trek series. SIGMO is the universal pocket translator and it is the main proof that the science fiction is slowly becoming a reality. This device can currently convert speech on a 25 different languages. It is usually worn on the wrist, but you can also put it around your neck or attach it to the belt. This device translates everything you say in the desired language and translates other languages into English by only pushing a button. It is wirelessly connected to your smartphone and you just have to install the application.

Gesture Control Device

This gesture control device is called Reemo. It is a device that can control nearly everything you want. Instead of searching for light switches, walking to a radio to turn it on or even making coffee, with Reemo you can just point to what you want and control it. You can even lock the doors or arm the security system from a far distance. Reemo can also help seniors to go through the frustration of solving everyday technical problems. Since Reemo uses gestures that are intuitive and natural, it is very simple to use and you will have no trouble with remembering the commands. 

Bicycle Airbag

Cyclists often experience serious physical injuries when it comes to the traffic accidents. The main problem is in their inadequate protective equipment, but one Swedish company offered an excellent solution. The Holding company produced the first airbag for cyclists and motorcyclists, which requires only two-hundredth of a second to “decide” whether to activate or not. CEO Frederik Carling said that this airbag is safe for use and that there is no possibility of spontaneous activation. The mechanism consists of two parts, collar, and cover. Collar, which contains the air bag, is made of waterproof material that does not transmit dirt and is very comfortable to wear around the neck.

The Active Denial System

This directed-energy weapon is designed for area denial, crowd control, and perimeter security. The Active Denial system was developed by the U.S. military and is not a lethal weapon. Since it’s the only function is to heat the surface of targets, such as the human skin, it is often called a heat ray. In 2010, the weapon was deployed in Afganistan as the U.S. Army wanted to test it, but it was soon withdrawn without seeing any combat. Currently, the ADS is only a weapon mounted to the vehicle, but both the police and the U.S. Marines are working on portable versions. 

Flying Motorcycles

Flying bikes have always tickled our imagination. We have all seen Hagrid’s flying motorcycle in Harry Potter or the Speeder bike in Star Wars, but today, the dream has become a reality. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time have created fantastic designs for the not so distant future. While most of them are still only a vision, several designs are in production right now. The Hover Bike is one of the concepts for a flying motorcycle. It has dual propellers and can reach the speed of 170 miles per hour. The perfect way to avoid rush hour traffic.

Laser Weapon System

After seven years of research and spending 40 million dollars, the US Navy created the most sophisticated combat system for close encounters. With surgically precise beams of energy, traveling at the speed of light, laser cannon can completely disable the incoming vessel and bring down the drones. It never runs out of “ammo” and its cost-effectiveness is unquestionable. Each shot costs less than a dollar, which is cheaper than any kinetic weapons. The next step for the new laser gun is to increase its power to more than 50 kilowatts.

Social Robots

Cynthia Breazeal wanted to create a warm and emotional being, a friend of every man. She created Jibo. Jibo is equipped with many cameras and microphones as well as sophisticated computer techniques. It recognizes faces and can actively participate in the conversation because it understands what people are saying. It is not just a device, but a personal assistant. Therefore, Jibo can read stories to the children, take pictures and allow video calls. It organizes lists of daily tasks with a personal touch that is common only for people, such as tone of voice and giggling. Jibo is connected to the Internet, so it has at its disposal a vast database of news, data, and facts.

The Noise Blocking Device

Noise pollution is one of the biggest flaws of modern life, especially in big cities. Transport, drilling machines or the children yelling just below your window are just a few examples of the daily torment. Innovator Rudolf Stefanich and his device Sono could be a solution. You just place it on the glass window, turn on and wait a few moments so it can collect vibrations of the sounds from outside. Then the device produces anti-vibrations which cancel noises from outside. Soon we could get windows that come with built-in technology, which works on the same principle as Sono.

Personal Neuro Devices

Personal neuro devices are one the latest inventions that can be really helpful in everyday life. This invention is used to calm the mind of the person by changing the frequency of the brainwaves with electromagnetic impulses. The Elf Emmit company is one of the manufacturers of these devices. You can choose the state of mind and body that you prefer the most or you can allow the device to suggest you how your mind should behave. It can help you sleep or learn and can also improve your concentration.

Flying Boards

Since the time when Marty McFly presented us with the flying board in the movie Back to the Future, many people have been extremely fascinated with it. So, when the company Arca Space invented first fully functioning flying board, nobody remained indifferent. The board weighs ten pounds and can lift up to 11 times its own weight. You can control this device using a smartphone, which connects with the board via Bluetooth. Flying board can fly for six minutes before it has to be charged again. Although pilot should be more skilled to maintain a balance, the manufacturer said that it was no problem.

3-D printed organs

3-D printing is going to be an increasingly big deal in the future. It's already being used to print prosthetics, guns, machine parts and food.
One of the most exciting developments, however, is "bio-printing." This uses 3-D printing technology to create human tissue and organs.
A company named Organovo recently printed a slice of human liver that survived 40 days. This is great news for medical researchers looking for a human tissue to test drugs. Other teams have printed kidney and heart tissue.
As the technology gets even better, we could see full-fledged organs printed using cells from a patient's own body. Some researchers predict we could have bio-printed hearts this decade. The need for transplant donors and worries about organ rejection would be over!

Real bionics

Earlier, I mentioned 3-D printed prosthetics. Researchers have made big strides in the prosthetics field recently. On the cost front, 3-D printing is starting to bring down prosthetic prices to a reasonable level.
On the high-end side, new neural connections and software advances are allowing amputees to control prosthetic limbs with their mind - just like a real limb! They can even get feedback on sensations like heat, cold and pressure.
Advances in motors and pneumatic mean prosthetics are more responsive and have smoother motion. Remember how they rebuilt Luke Skywalker's hand in the second "Star Wars" movie? That's not too far off.
It isn't just limbs. New prosthetic eye technology, for example, is giving sight to the blind.


Moving away from the medical field, have you heard about graphene? This is one of the new wonder materials that has scientists and researchers abuzz.
Graphene is a version of graphite - yes, the stuff in pencil lead. However, graphene is only a single atom thick and comes in sheets.
In that form, it has more uses that I have space to mention. It conducts electricity like a superconductor and it's incredibly strong for its weight.
It could replace silicon in computer chips. Graphene chips will run up to one hundred times faster than silicon models, but use less electricity and take up less space.
Because it's only a single atom thick, graphene is transparent, making it perfect for electronic components in touch screens and electronic displays.
Thanks to its thermal conductivity, it could be used in transparent solar cells. Imagine every window of your house generating electricity. At the other end of the electricity chain, it could make light, flexible batteries far more powerful than anything today.
Graphene's structure allows water vapor to pass through, but no other substances. That makes it perfect for creating alternative fuels and distilling alcohol. In the medical field, this property could be used to diagnose diseases and sequence DNA.
I could go on about puncture-proof tires, wearable electronics and so much more, but I think you get the idea. So, keep an eye out for this wonder material in the coming years.

Wearable computers

I'm sure you've heard about Google Glass. If you haven't, this is basically a smartphone built into a pair of glasses. The display shows up right in front of your eyes, and you control it with your voice.
Google Glass isn't a home-run success just yet. Thanks to its built-in camera, it's already banned from many establishments. Some techies disdain it. Plus, it's expensive and still a bit bulky.
But even sleeker products are on the way. A company called Innovega has its iOptik system. This uses special contact lenses that let your eye focus on near and far objects at the same time. A pair of glasses with small projectors sends HD images right to your eyes via the contacts.
The end result is like high-quality screens floating in front of you everywhere you look. Of course, you will need to tie the glasses to a smartphone to run everything. Still, in coming years, as smartphones get even smaller, it could be built right into the glasses.
Of course, many companies are jumping on the wearable computer bandwagon. Right now, they're mostly just elaborate sensors, but eventually, they'll get more features.
Heapsylon is making socks that record how you run and give you feedback to improve and prevent injury. Microsoft is working on a "smart" bra that senses a woman's emotions. Apple is rumored to be working on an iRing that works as a motion control for Apple TV, and Google is working on a ring that replaces your passwords.


Mobile is an independent, integrated water purification vehicle, designed to produce high-quality drinking water. It can be useful in natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, military use in difficult terrain and rural areas to provide drinkable water.
It can purify up to 20,000 liters per day of sea water and 80,000 liters per day of brackish/muddy or contaminated river water and bring it to WHO standards. The jeep is said to cost around 390,000 shekels (approximately $1,11,000).,
We all know that entire World is suffering due to pollution and one of its major outburst is Water scarcity. If we can purify Mud water or sea water, then we can solve this issue of water scarcity. For me, this vehicle is a miracle. Just imagine how useful it can be during natural disasters.
Most of the countries have their own water purifier plants this technology is not new but this tiny movable jeep is just wow. It can do a lot within less time and we can carry it to all remote places to help the needy ones.

Gravity Light

Yes, this is the light that doesn't require any type of hydroelectricity energy or solar energy to glow. It simply runs from gravitational energy.
Li-Fi Technology:
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a high-speed and bidirectional wireless technology that uses light through light emitting diodes (LEDs) to deliver fully networked communication. It transmits data over the electromagnetic spectrum similar to Wi-Fi. Visible spectrum, which is the Li-Fi frequency range, is 1000 times larger than the radio frequency spectrum on which Wi-Fi operates.
Invisibility Cloaks
Remember this scene where Harry becomes invisible using the magical garment.
This is now possible using the laser stitching technique and it is possible.
This method of manufacturing invisible materials using lasers has been developed by scientists at the University of Cambridge.
Metamaterials can bend electromagnetic radiation, such as light, around an object, giving the appearance that it isn’t there at all. Metamaterials are built by stitching gold nanoparticles together in long strings. Hence, creating the invisibility effect.
This technology would be used to improve military.


One amazing material that not many people know about is called aerogel. Aerogel is basically any gel where the liquid component in the gel is replaced with a gas. Basically a molecular sponge.
This makes the gel very, very, very light. Barely heavier than air. It looks like frozen smoke and is bluish and transparent. It has so little thermal conductivity that a fairly thin sheet of it will protect you from a sustained blast from a flamethrower.

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