Old and amazing things, we will probably not see in the future.

Our parents also had gadgets like given below. Time passed, these were mostly done by our phone. They were replaced but they have left a footprint in the design of modern gadgets which we use daily like mobile phones, computers and so so. Let's have a look at them.

Palm Pilots / PDAs -

 Before smartphones, people carried these around to take notes and keep track of appointments. It was the digital secretary.

iPod Classic:

When I first saw these I was amazed that such a small device could fit so many songs - and the click wheel was magic - it moves the navigation when you move your thumb around it how amazing is that!


 Back in the day, you could put in a blank tape, and whatever you are watching on your TV be it your favorite movie or TV show, can be recorded onto your very own VHS tape. You can even schedule it to do that when you are at work or school. That’s amazing, isn’t it? I don’t think DVDs or Blu-rays have that capability these days - at least not standard in those players

Sony Walkman: 

Before the Walkman came out, people listened to music at home through LPs and a record player. They could not carry that with them when they were outside. The Walkman changed music listening habits forever

Car Phones:

Before cellphones, how else could you contact someone while you were driving? Car phones were the best solution for that.


Before computers, this is what people used to submit their homework. It was something amazing that gave us the concept of the keyboard.

Film Cameras: 

Before digital cameras, you had to take your film to a dark room to be developed. You had no way of previewing the image like you do now.

Portable DVD players:

Replaced by iPads and Tablets now. This was one of the amazing inventions. Just imagine watching movies while on the go.

Portable electronic dictionary:

What will you do if you are stuck in some confusing words? You will probably search the internet. Imagine the time, when people had to turn the dictionary just for finding a word. This was a life saving for students and readers.

Portable GPS:

GPS is something we have been using since the rise of mankind, people had to carry a map with them no matter where they go and this invention changed everything. Now, our smartphone is enough for that.

Ball mouse:

Mouse with a ball? This was one of the frustrations of every computer user. The ball would not work and we had to actually tap it to get it working again. Then, laser mouse was invented, which we are still using now.

CRT monitor:

This is something we probably have seen once in our life. If you have ever used a pc with Windows XP then you know, the most weighted thing of a computer system. Now, LCD & LED have completely changed the way we watch anything.

Pagers -

pager (also known as a beeper) is a wireless telecommunications device that receives and displays alphanumeric or voice messages. One-way pagers can only receive messages, while response pagers and two-way pagers can also acknowledge, reply to, and originate messages using an internal transmitter.

8 track tape :

It's basically a VCR track player with 8 tracks. I haven't personally seen this but your father or grand parents might be familiar with this stuff.

Floppy disc:

Before pendrive and memory cards, this was the dominant portable storage media in the digital world. Now, we see them only as a logo for save button in some applications.

Record player:

 Have you seen in the movies, the thing with a large disc and a big horn like on the top? It actually is that you may know this as gamma phone.


 Before actually using phones, payphones on the streets were famous. Actually some of the movies like phonebooth wouldn't have been possible without it. 19's people will be more familiar with this stuff.

Slide Ruler -

The ruler which you actually slide to measure physical quantities. Before the invention of scientific calculators, it was a must-have for engineers.

Instant Messengers -

It was like the messenger of that time, with the live chat feature. After the facebook was public, it actually was going down along with myspace, the facebook before facebook.

Google Glass: 

This is interesting. Google actually had a concept of the wearable computer which was going to be the future of tech. Unfortunately, Google announced to close this project. Why? Still not confirmed.

It was one of the best technologies I have ever seen.

More than Specs google has a different view over it. Albeit, many thought it was just a fade. Started in 2013 and launched in 2014, got a puff as a technology buzz but it didn’t get such recognition. Touchpad, Camera, Display like many such are embedded in it but it didn’t reach to people as expected.

Finally, to the end. Please subscribe for more awesome content.


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