What is life? Is it all about money?

Life, is just a four letter world. It depends on what you think and what you expect it to be. Life means living. All of us have life but only some know to make it better. In modern sense, life is money. Money, really? Well, it is foolish to compare life with money. Money however plays a big role. Life is all about your dream and your progress. Money can buy a house, you might get a hot looking girl and and an extremely expensive car. For some, that is life. But the thung that matters is, are you happy with what you have?

With money you can only make others' life happy, not yours. Fulfillment of your passion and dream makes you happy. It is hard but truth, soon you realize, better you become. If you are stressed at your job a lot that means this is not what you want. All the people including parents wants you to be what they think is good for you. They only think, reality is far more bitter. You may wanna be a pilot, an enginner, a doctor, no problem, everyone accepts that without thinking twice. If you wanna be a businessman, they will guide you but if you wanna be a blogger, a youtuber, a writer then its hard for them to accept that at first but you need to prove them wrong. See, everyone compares success with money, if it is so then why the billioners spend their money on sime crazy ideas? I mean, according to everyone, he is already successful. No, because they find their happiness in that not in money.

Think twice before you choose money over life.The girl you wanna marry, the dress you wanna wear, the places you wanna visit, all that matters. This is life. Don't care what others think, just live your life how you want.


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