Paid to Click (PTC) sites. Specially for undeveloped and developing countries!!!

Paid to Click. How awesome it sounds!!!!

If you are reading this then you must be familiar with this term. Paid to Click is one of the leading searches in the online world. Simply what you need to do is sign up, log in, view ads and get paid. Isn't it awesome? Yeah, at least it sounds awesome. Wait a minute and please complete reading. This is specifically for developing and underdeveloped countries like Nepal and India. Because, as awesome as it may sound, it is not so. Why?

For developed countries like the U.S., Canada they have master cards or at least a bank account and mostly payment is done in dollars, so its easy for them to withdraw money. But in some countries like Nepal MasterCard or a visa card is a dream for common people. Although some offer wore transfer, the charge is too high.

Actual Earning:
Actual earned amount as compared to real jobs is also very very low. You cannot pay for your bills also.

Opportunities for us:

We, the people of developing countries are provided with fewer tasks or need to pay some amount to get into it, which is a very big problem.

You may be thinking there are sites like freelancer, up work which provides small jobs. Well, my friend freelancer also started to charge the fee and up work and other sites, it's almost impossible for new freelancers to get a job. I am not only talking about students with minimum experience and qualification, if you have a qualification then it's better to work for real companies near your area or at least where the payment can be received very easily. Most of the teenagers are inspired by the idea of making easy money online. It's not easy and it's not making money. It's just the waste of time.

So, is there no way for us to earn online?

Yes, there are ways to do so but it takes time and dedication. There are many ways mainly 3 for freshers or people with no technical qualification and degree.

Affiliated Marketing :
It is the most obvious method but time and dedication is the key to all success. You promote products and convince others to buy through your affiliate link. I know, not easy but worth trying if you can convince people then any business you will be sure to be successful in future.
Youtube has the facility of payment through Western Union, I am sure all of you have at least a money transfer nearby. You just create videos and post but they have criteria for monetization. From latest research, I came to know that tech-related videos are mostly watched. So, give your time and create good content so that people tend to visit your channel often. And also its free to start.

You can be a blogger,write post and share on your social media. At least some people will see what you are doing. This is from a little experience I have. You are reading this because of interest not because I am forcing you to. So you need to convince people by your content not by your reputation and all. This way you get more and more visitors. It is also not so simple, you have to create eye-catching and readable contents and after some time, you are sure to get success.

So, it is my recommendation not to waste time and money in PTC sites, better study hard and do your best, you can earn more in the future.

RIP PTC sites!!!!


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