One of the best places on earth.

Nepal is a landlocked country. It is the border with India on three sides and China on one side. Nepal is a Hindu country. But people of many castes live here. All the people live with joy and they respect each other religion and cultures.

                 Nepal is a rich in natural beauty. Top highest peaks of the world lie here. Some are really amazing and fun to climb. And some are really difficult. Nepal is a peaceful country. But for the sake of the nation, many soldiers and people fought for Nepal. Some of the national heroes are in the given link.

Click for more about Nepal Heroes

This is the flag of Nepal. Nepal is also rich in diversity and ethnicity. It was at first divided into small kingdoms. Later King Prithvi Narayan Shah and other different king united Nepal into a big kingdom. The world greatest ruler Hitler has also talk great this about Gorkhali.  People of Nepal are called Nepali and every Nepali are famous for the bravery of Gorkhali soldiers.

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